Výstavba multifunkčného
zariadenia pre deti a mládežv obci Stráne pod Tatrami

Project´s activities

Activity 1 Investment activity

Within the Activity 1 the Applicant will invest in the construction of the Multifunctional facility with an adjacent outdoor playground on the lands owned by the Applicant. The facility will include the following premises: Gym hall - 408 m2, Computer and creative room 17,8 m2, Tutoring class 56,10 m, Room for field social work 32,8 m2, Kitchen 15,3 m2, Fitness room 62 m2, 2 x dressing rooms, 2 x showers and 2 toilets connected to the Gym hall, Technical room, Toilet for men and toilet for women, 2 x tool stores and outdoor multifunctional playground.

 The Multifunctional facility will be used:

- 30 hours per week for physical education classes at the primary school in Stráne pod Tatrami,

- 42.5 hours per week will be used for extracurricular activities supported by the project, including activities in the areas of health (Activity 3), education (Activity 4) and employment (Activity 6). 

- 10 hours per week (i.e. 12% o of the facility 's overall capacity) for economic activity to support the sustainability of project activities in long term. The premises of the Multifunctional facility will be rented to the public or third parties in the evenings and on weekends.


The total construction costs for the Multifunctional facility shall be EUR 1 298 970, out of which EUR 700,000 would be financed by a Norwegian grant, EUR 300 000 by the Sports Promotion Fund and the remaining cc. EUR 300,000 would be covered by the bank loan (Bank term sheet attached as Annex 2).

Activity 2 Publicity and supporting activities

Activity 2 includes activities related to the mandatory publicity and promotion of the project, its activities as well as outputs. Both, the Applicant and all the partners, will participate in the activity during the 24 months of project implementation. These will be the following activities in particular:

Mandatory publicity

As part of the mandatory publicity, the Applicant will organize 3 events:

Opening conference - on the occasion of the construction start of the Multifunctional facility the applicant will organize an opening conference for approximately 80 people.

Ongoing conference - on the occasion of the construction completion of the Multifunctional facility the Applicant will organize an opening event for approximately 150 people.

Final conference - on the occasion of the project completion the Applicant will organize a final conference for approximately 80 people.

 Promotion and dissemination

Activities related to the promotion and dissemination will include:

- regular updating of the existing website of the Applicant and all the partners as well as all the cooperating institutions with information about the project in the Slovak language and links between the websites,

- creation and regular updating of a domain dedicated to the presentation of information about the project in Slovak as well as English language,

- creation and printing of leaflets, posters, rollups, temporary large-scale billboards, permanent boards and promotional materials (pens, calendars)

- social media management and tracking of the applicant's website traffic via google analytics,

- advertising in local, regional and national media,

- creation and printing of the final report with the results of the project.


Activity 3 Activities in health category


The entities involved in the health related activities are the Partner2 with a cooperating institution – Primary school and kindergarten Stráne pod Tatrami. The participants will organize the following activities at the respective centres:


CENTRE 1 - In the Multifunctional facility,

the Primary school and kindergarten Stráne pod Tatrami will organize the following activities in the field of health:

- Name of activity No.1:

Sports activities in the gym hall.

Activity description: includes sports clubs such as football, table tennis, music and movement club, etc. The aim is for the children to gain the knowledge of the technique of basic game activities, game combinations in the game system, to develop personal and social competencies, the presentation of sports at the local and regional level. Development of musical abilities, understanding the principles of music, etc. Development of key competencies - comprehensive development of personality, general human qualities.

Expected timeline: a total of 8.5 hours per week, 82 children.

- Name of activity no. 2:

Sports activities in the fitness room.

Activity description: Strengthening the physical, mental health and proper physical development of children.

Expected timeline: a total of 2 hours per week, 22 children.


CENTRE 3 - Leisure centre in Rakúsy (Partner 2)


- Name of activity no. 1:

Development games.

Description of the activity: the activity is intended for children aged 2 to 4 who come to the center accompanied by parents and will focus on i) development of motor skills, ii) sports and entertainment activities, iv) singing children's songs with body movement or tools, simple dances, v) basic hygienic habits and vi) speech therapy exercises - development of communication and vocabulary.

Expected timeline: one hour 3 times per week. 6 children/1 session.

- Name of activity no. 2:

Strong spirit in a strong body.

Activity description: physical and sports activities for young people in the gym.

Expected timeline: 1 hour 4 times a week. 10 children/1 session.

- Name of activity no. 3:

Dancing to health.

Activity description: activities will be based on natural movement and the importance of simple physical activities, as well as education in different types of dances and cultures.

Expected timeline: 2 hours/week, 20 children per week.

- Name of activity no. 4:

Conscious and healthy citizen.

Activity description: Educational activities of a medical field and healthcare through lectures by invited experts - pediatrician, dentist, gynecologist and others, but also in the field of municipal law, general laws of daily use - waste, environment, criminal law, discrimination, bullying and others.

Expected timeline: 1 hour per week, 20 children.


Activity 4 Activities in education category


The activities in education will be implemented by the following entities within the respective centres:


CENTRE 1 - In the Multifunctional facility, the Primary school and kindergarten Stráne pod Tatrami will organize the following activities:

- Name of activity no. 1:

Computer science.

Activity description: Gaining specific experience and improving skills in working with computers, applications and digital technologies.

Expected timeline: 4 hours per week, 50 children.

- Name of activity no. 2:

Creativity workshop.

Activity description: Development of practical work skills, habits and creativity. Getting to know natural and technical materials, their processing and use in practice.

Expected timeline: 2 hours per week, 27 children.

- Name of activity no. 3:

Tutoring for primary school students.

Activity description: Tutoring students in the subject Slovak language and mathematics. Practicing and improving basic habits, skills and competencies in the state language - reading, writing, communication, counting.

Expected timeline: 5 hours per week, 75 children.

- Name of activity no. 4:


Activity description: practice of traditional Roma music.

Expected timeline: 1 hour per week, 15 children.


CENTRE 3 - Leisure centre in Rakúsy (Partner2)

- Name of activity no. 1:

Summer school for disadvantage children.

Activity description: an educational activities to supplement the knowledge that children missed during the school year. Expected timeline: 10 hours per week for 3 weeks in July. 20 children every week, a total of 60 children.

- Name of activity no. 2: Virtual library. Activity description: working with the Internet - searching for information related to social life, searching for laws, guidelines, non-formal education in the field of health, healthy nutrition, fashion, housing, raising children - according to the interests and needs of attending children and youth. Expected timeline: 1 hour per week, 10 children.


CENTER  4 - Private specialized center for counseling and prevention of children and pupils with multiple disabilities (Partner3b)

- Activity name:

EEGneurofeedback therapy.

Activity description: Training using EEG neurofeedback, which is playful, non-violent and painless, allowing toparticipate in the preparation of children for inclusion in society, improving cognitive and self-regulatory skills in the process of education and training.

Expected timeline: 2 children 2 times a week for 1 hour.


 CENTER 5 - Primary school and kindergarten Stráne pod Tatrami

- Activity title:

Education through play and creation.

Activity description: Based on a professional consultation with each child and his parents, the lecturer will provide professional support to students through individually tailored activities according to the needs of students, e.g. preparation for admission procedures at secondary schools or universities, advancement to the next year in primary schools.

Expected timeline: 2 times a week for 2 hours, 30 children.


Activity 5 Activities in housing category


The activities in housing will be implemented by the Partner1 at the Community center in Rakúsy:


- Activity name:

Be clean, be healthy.

- Activity description: social services addressed to vulnerable groups living in poor housing and hygiene conditions in the municipality of Rakúsy. Laundry and dry cleaning services, personal hygiene and related advisory services. The activity will take place in the existing Community Center in the village of Rakúsy, which already provides similar services. Due to the great interest in these services, they would like to expand their capacities, buy new washing machines and dryers and extend the opening hours by 10 hours per week.

- Expected timeline: 10 hours per week


Activity 6 Activities in employment category


The activities in the employment field will be implemented by the Partner 3a at the Career and employment counselling centre.

- Activity name: Career and employment counselling.

- Description of the activity: Career and employment counseling for students currently continuing in secondary education or graduates searching for jobs. The activity will be implemented through individual and group counselling with focus on finding a suitable professional direction while aligning it with the needs of the local labour market. The individual counseling will include detailed mapping of the professional orientation of individual project participants, their barriers to entering the labor market and joint search for solutions. Within group counseling: development of social and communication skills and functional literacy.

- Expected timeline: 15 hours of individual counselling per week, 5 hours of group counselling per week.


Activity 7 Data management, visualization and research dissemination

The Activity 7 will be implemented by the Applicant in cooperation with the Partner4 from Norway, Åpenhet, during and after the implementation of the project. Åpenhet is a Norwegian GovTech and DataViz SME based in Oslo and Paris, specializing in good public governance and data-driven policy making. They have a track record of conducting several projects with previous EU presidencies, now closely working with the OECD and EC Enlargement on monitoring process of EU candidate countries. Their field of expertise is data management, visualization and research dissemination. Åpenhet will contribute continuously throughout the project duration with the main responsibility to provide data management and disseminate expert findings to help foster fact-based discussions. Åpenhet will benefit from first-hand learning about user needs in peer learning settings and beta-test tools needed to foster international bilateral cooperation. Connecting existing partnerships with the network gained in the project will prepare grounds to continue cooperation after project completion and for new partnerships of innovative services. The experience will also provide learning for how national authorities and NGOs make use of data and analysis - that in turn can positively shape other current involvements in the field of improving European development and inclusion policies.

Åpenhet will in particular be responsible:

- To develop measures and methodologies for improving the access to education and to the labor market of vulnerable children and youth.

- To review and improve strategies and action plans for combating discrimination developed in consultation with Roma experts.

- To enhance the inclusiveness of the local and regional institutions to understand the Roma integration needs and helped improve policies and services.

-  To determine which types of interventions have worked well and why.

- To assess achievements through observation in the attitudes and behavior within Roma communities; in local administrations’ and various public institutions’ knowledge, and in the general public’s attitude.


Activity 8 Creation of new jobs


Within the Activity 8, the Applicant and Partner1 will create 3 full-time jobs at two of the supported centers:


2 jobs will be created by the Applicant starting as of the completion of the Multifunctional facility:

1) Facility manager at the Multifunctional facility - The scope of the work will be the asset and property management of the Multifunctional facility.

2) Cleaning staff at the Multifunctional facility - cleaning of indoor and outdoor areas, auxiliary work during operation.


1 job will be created by the Partner1, the municipality Rakúsy, as of the start of the activities at the Community centre in Rakúsy:

Facility manager at the Community centre in Rakúsy


The total salary costs of all three positions during the implementation of the project (max. for 18 months) will be covered from the project budget. Subsequently, after the project completion these expenses will be covered from the Applicant’s and the Partner1's own resources.


About the project


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Current weather

today, Monday 10. 2. 2025
sky is clear 4 °C -8 °C
Tuesday 11. 2. sky is clear 3/-7 °C
Wednesday 12. 2. overcast clouds 2/-4 °C
Thursday 13. 2. light snow 0/-3 °C

Translations (translations)