Výstavba multifunkčného
zariadenia pre deti a mládežv obci Stráne pod Tatrami

Activity 3 - Activities in health category

Activity 3 - Activities in health category

Activity 3 - Activities in health category

Name of activity no. 1: Development games.

Description of the activity: the activity is intended for children aged 2 to 4 who come to the center accompanied by parents and will focus on i) development of motor skills, ii) sports and entertainment activities, iv) singing children's songs with body movement or tools, simple dances, v) basic hygienic habits and vi) speech therapy exercises - development of communication and vocabulary.


Name of activity no. 2: Strong spirit in a strong body.

Activity description: physical and sports activities for young people in the gym. Exercises with sport tools, exercises with music, strengthening exercises on machines, running in nature or on a treadmill, the basics of healthy eating, psychohygiene, prevention.


Name of activity no. 3: Dancing to health.

Activity description: activities will be based on natural movement and the importance of simple physical activities, as well as education in different types of dances and cultures.


Name of activity no. 4: Conscious and healthy citizen.

Activity description: Educational activities of a medical field and healthcare through lectures by invited experts - pediatrician, dentist, gynecologist and others, but also in the field of municipal law, general laws of daily use - waste, environment, criminal law, discrimination, bullying and others.


These activities are provided by the Leisure Center in Rakúsy.




Date of insertion: 27. 9. 2023 9:42
Last updated on: 27. 9. 2023 9:47
Author: Správca Webu

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