Výstavba multifunkčného
zariadenia pre deti a mládežv obci Stráne pod Tatrami

Activity 4 - Activities in education category

Activity 4 - Activities in education category

Activity title: Education through play and creation.

Activity description: Based on a professional consultation with each child and his parents, the lecturer will provide professional support to students through individually tailored activities according to the needs of students, e.g. preparation for admission procedures at secondary schools or universities, advancement to the next year in primary schools.

Date of insertion: 27. 9. 2023 9:32
Last updated on: 27. 9. 2023 9:40
Author: Správca Webu

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sky is clear 5 °C -5 °C
Tuesday 21. 1. overcast clouds 5/1 °C
Wednesday 22. 1. light snow 3/-1 °C
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