Výstavba multifunkčného
zariadenia pre deti a mládežv obci Stráne pod Tatrami

About the project

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Project name: Development of a multifunctional facility for children and youth in Stráne pod Tatrami

Grant recepient: Municipality Stráne pod Tatrami

Project partners: Municipality Rakúsy, Centrum voľného času Rakúsy č. 81, Súkromná spojená škola, Biela voda, Súkromné špecializované centrum poradenstva a prevencie deti a žiakov s viacnásobným postihnutím and the norway parnter Åpenhet by Funfact AS.

Grant amount: 951 977 EUR

The project duration: 24 months

Project summary: The subject of the project is the following:

1) Construction of a new multi-purpose facility for children and youth in Strane pod Tatrami and neighboring villages. The facility will include a gym hall, a fitness room, a computer room, tutoring class and a room for field social work. The Multifunctional facility will be used 30 hours per week for physical education classes at the primary school in Stráne pod Tatrami, 42.5 hours per week will be used for extracurricular activities supported by the project, including activities in the areas of health, education and employment. It is expected that the premises will be partially used for economic activity to support the sustainability of project activities in long term. The premises of the Multifunctional facility will be rented to the public or third parties in the evenings and on weekends.

  2) Creation of a network of 6 centers, which will organize activities for children and youth in the target village Stráne pod Tatrami as well as in the nearby villages of Kežmarok (5km) and Rakúsy (12 km). All three locations are identified in the Atlas of Roma Communities 2019 and are located in the district of Kežmarok. All the activities will be offered free of charge and inclusive for the target group.
The project will involve 7 legal entities, including the Applicant, Norwegian partner and 5 legal entities from Slovakia. They will implement activities in 4 target areas (health, education, employment and housing) within 6 centers, which together form a multifunctional center. Each of the partners and cooperating institutions, with the exception of the Norwegian partner, will contribute premises, equipment and qualified staff with many years of experience working with vulnerable children and youth from the marginalized community. The Norwegian partner, Åpenhet, will help raise awareness and increase the impact of project activities. Åpenhet will collect, process and disseminate data and information in support of project objectives and outputs.

The development of the Multifunctional facility and creation of the network of centers implementing a variety of activities will help improve the access of vulnerable children and young people from disadvantaged areas to a wider range of extracurricular activities in order to improve their personal development and provide them with skills that increase their chances of success in society. Increasing education and theoretical knowledge in the field of social activities for this target group will increase their social inclusion and quality of life. By implementing activities focused on health, protection and building families, education and housing, the village will become more attractive to visitors, tourists, which will contribute to its overall socio-economic development. Through the activities of the Applicant and the project partners, negative impacts will be eliminated, prevention will be strengthened and growth in the creation of a healthy society with a permanent economic background and a diverse culture of social life will be ensured.

The "Development of a multifunctional facility for children and youth in Stráne pod Tatrami" benefits from a 809 180 EUR grant from Norway through the Norway Grants. The project has been co-financed from the State Budget of the Slovak Republic in the amount of 142 797 EUR. The aim of the project is to Development of a new multifunctional facility and creation of networks of activity centers that improve the access of children and young people from disadvantaged areas to a wider range of extracurricular activities in order to improve their personal development and provide them with skills that increase their chances of success in society.

If you want to know more about programmes and projects financed by the Norway Grants in Slovakia, visit

More about the project

Project agreement


About the project


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today, Monday 20. 1. 2025
sky is clear 5 °C -5 °C
Tuesday 21. 1. overcast clouds 5/1 °C
Wednesday 22. 1. light snow 3/-1 °C
Thursday 23. 1. overcast clouds 1/0 °C

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