Výstavba multifunkčného
zariadenia pre deti a mládežv obci Stráne pod Tatrami


Ing. Katarína Dovicová
funkcia: Projektový Manažér
Ivana Nižníková
funkcia: Ekonómka
Slavomír Badžo
function of mayor of the village
the municipality of Rakúsy
Mgr. Monika Jurašková
function of mayor of the village


Leisure centre in Rakúsy
Mgr. Katarína Václavová
a function entrusted with the management of a leisure center
Private joint school, Biela voda
Mgr. Anna Jurgovianová
position of school principal
Private specialized center for counseling and prevention of children and pupils with multiple disabilities
Mgr. Beáta Breuerová
position of director
Elementary school with kindergarten
Mgr. Dagmar Wagnerová
position of director



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30 1 2 3 4 5 6

Current weather

today, Thursday 12. 9. 2024
light rain 21 °C 10 °C
Friday 13. 9. heavy intensity rain 20/11 °C
Saturday 14. 9. moderate rain 13/9 °C
Sunday 15. 9. light rain 10/6 °C

Translations (translations)